By Kaye Burnet | The Duquesne Duke
Diocese of Pittsburgh Bishop David Zubik led students in a rosary for vocations Monday evening in the Duquesne Chapel.
The Duquesne Knights of Columbus invited Zubik, who has done the annual rosary for the last six years, to appear at 9 p.m.
“But the first time [I led the rosary] was rather embarrassing,” Zubik said with a smile. “I fell asleep beforehand, and didn’t wake up until it was time for me to be here. I was more than a little late.”
The rosary is a Catholic devotion to Jesus’ mother, Mary. However, this annual rosary is specifically dedicated to praying for vocations, according to David Donahoe, Grand Knight of the Duquesne Knights of Columbus.
“A vocation just means a calling from God that tells you, ‘What do I do with my life?’” Donahoe said.
While the Church is particularly interested in supporting young men and women entering religious life, vocations to single life and marriage are just as important, Donahoe said.
“We are praying for everyone to answer their calling to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ,” Donahoe said.
Donahoe said he estimates at least 60 people were in attendance for the reflection.
“And that’s all because of [Zubik]. People are drawn to him. Without him here, we probably wouldn’t have had more than 10 people here,” Donahoe said.
Jeffrey Craig was one of seven seminarians from the Diocese of Pittsburgh that came with Zubik to Duquesne for the rosary. The seminarians live with Zubik and often travel with him.
Despite Zubik’s busy schedule, Craig said, “We always make time for Mary.”
Zubik emphasized the importance of the rosary, even outside the Catholic liturgical season of Lent.
“The rosary is good to pray all the time,” Zubik said. “By reflecting on its mysteries, we can see just how close Jesus is in our lives.”
Craig said he thinks the traditional prayer to Mary is particularly significant for college students.
“It’s important to pray to Mary always,” Craig said. “She makes a great role model for students who are going through stressful times.”
Zubik earned his bachelor’s degree and master’s of education at Duquesne. According to Zubik, the University had a huge impact on his future within the Church.
“Here at Duquesne I grew in my knowledge of the world and my love of the Church,” he said.
Zubik said he thinks Duquesne is important to the Catholic community in Pittsburgh.
“I am proud of President Dougherty and the administration for making sure the school’s Catholic identity remains and continues to grow,” Zubik said.