Have an idea? Want to get involved? How about a question, comment, concern or opinion?

Please fill out the form below and tell us what’s on your mind!

Or you can contact us by any of these additional methods, too!

Facebook  |  Twitter |  Email: theduqduke@gmail.com

Snail Mail: 113 College Hall, 600 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA  15282

If you would like to submit a letter to the editor, please adhere to the following requirements:

  1. The letter must be 300 words or less.
  2. The Duke has final discretion over whether or not a letter can run in the newspaper.
  3. The letter must be submitted in .doc format in an email to Editor-in-Chief Emma Polen at theduqduke@gmail.com
  4. You must be a member of the Duquesne Community to submit a letter to the editor. This includes students, alumni, faculty, staff and administrators.

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