By Kaye Burnet | Editor-in-Chief
Do you have things you want to see change on campus?
Join The Duke on Monday, February 20th in the Africa Room of the Student Union for THE GREAT DUQUESNE DEBATE. At 8:30 p.m. you’ll be able to meet the candidates, and the debate begins at 9 p.m. The debate will feature your candidates for student government, who will go head-to-head answering questions from a panel and from the audience on issues that are important to the Duquesne community.
With student government elections the next day, February 21, this debate will give you the opportunity to learn who is running for office and what positions they hold on issues ranging from campus food to housing to diversity and inclusion. Refreshments will be provided, courtesy of the Student Government Association.
You can find the debate’s Facebook event here. If you cannot attend, stream the debate live at www.facebook.com/theduquesneduke.