Good for thee, but not for me

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons | Congresswoman Lauren Boebert was kicked out of a musical for lewd behavior.

Eliyahu Gasson | Staff Writer

Why do we keep pretending that we have to take conservatives seriously? These people can’t seem to adhere to their won self-professed values.

The most recent example happened a couple of weeks ago when the congresswoman from Colorado’s third congressional district needed to be escorted from a theater in Denver.

According to the Denver Post, the representative was asked multiple times by her fellow audience members to stop causing disturbances during the showing of the musical adaptation of “Beetlejuice.” But Lauren Boebert couldn’t stop herself from singing, dancing, photographing and vaping during the performance despite being asked by the pregnant woman sitting behind her to stop.

The pro-life representative allegedly called the concerned mother-to-be a “sad and miserable person.”

Boebert, who tweeted in 2022, “Take your children to church, not drag bars,” was also caught inappropriately touching and being touched by her guest, Quinn Gallagher, the supposed owner of LGBTQ+ friendly Bad Hooch Craft Cocktail Bar in Aspen, Colo.

This is not the only time Boebert has been caught shirking her morals to the side. The 36-year-old divorced grandmother has committed her fair share of crimes and misdemeanors before her time as a congresswoman.

Her restaurant, where the waitresses all holstered weapons during their shifts, had its license revoked after she broke the county’s rules and opened for regular service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Boebert loves to back the blue, which is why she was cuffed for interfering in the arrest of underage drinkers at a country music festival in 2015. She failed to arrive at court for the charge.

She also failed to attend court after receiving a ticket for rolling her truck on a rural road. She failed to show up twice. She was arrested for wasting the court’s time.

And for someone who believes that members of the community want to sexualize children, she is awfully defensive of her ex-husband Jayson Boebert, who was caught being inappropriate with a 17-year-old girl in a bowling alley. He was 24.

Boebert has shown time and time again that she does not care who she harms, so long as she has a good time.

Other conservatives have shown a similar pattern.

Take Tim Murphy, the former Republican representative from Pennsylvania and a pro-life zealot who, in 2017, tried to pressure a woman that was not his wife, to get an abortion when he mistakenly thought she was pregnant as reported by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

We can also look back and see America’s mayor, Rudy Giuliani, perform in drag in a video with Donald Trump pre-presidency.

Let’s stop with respect. Let’s stop pretending that there is some moral reasoning these conservative politicians use to justify their decisions.

We need to finally hold the right wing accountable. We should not be afraid to be call out conservatives who are hell-bent on taking government protections away from vulnerable people, all while they secure their positions at the top of the hierarchy.

This recent conservative movement that seemed to gain steam during the rise of Trump, seems to lack empathy along with a twisted, if not hypocritical moral guide.

Conservatives used to believe smaller government, now it appears that the party is adhering to this MAGA culture. Gone are the days of limited spending and sensible legislation only to be replaced with threats of removing government protections for queer people and unwed mothers.

American conservatives want what is worse for everyone but themselves and their friends. They do not care who has to inhale their second hand smoke so long as they get to hit fat clouds with their friends in a crowded theater.