Students line A-Walk to cheer incoming Duquesne President Ken Gormley’s procession to his inauguration ceremony.
By Kaye Burnet | Editor-in-Chief
Students, including the entire uniform-clad football team and several people sporting “Gormley 2016” t-shirts, lined Academic Walk on Duquesne’s campus at 3:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon. They were gathered to cheer the procession of faculty that preceeded incoming university President Ken Gormley’s walk to the A.J. Palumbo Center for his inauguration as the 13th president of Duquesne University.
According to a press release from Duquesne’s Office of Marketing and Communications, more than 300 delegates from Duquesne and other universities took part in the procession. Nearly 1,000 students, alumni, university faculty and staff, and friends of President Gormley are expected to attend the 4 p.m. inauguration ceremony, whose list of speakers includes Bill Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh; Rev. David Zubik, bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh; and Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald. The full list of speakers is as follows:
- The Very Rev. Jeffrey T. Duaime, C.S.Sp., chairman of the Duquesne University Corporation and provincial superior for the Congregation of the Holy Spirit
- James Daher, president of Duquesne’s Student Government Association
- Dr. Anne Burrows, president of the Duquesne Faculty Senate
- Linda Hernandez, Duquesne graduate
- Jeffrie Mallory, director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs
- The Most Rev. David A. Zubik, D.D., bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh
- Mark Nordenberg, chancellor emeritus and chair of the Institute of Politics at the University of Pittsburgh
- David B. Wilkins, the Lester Kissel Professor of Law at Harvard Law School
- The Hon. William Peduto, mayor of Pittsburgh
- The Hon. Rich Fitzgerald, Allegheny County executive
- The Hon. Christine Donohue, justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
- The Hon. Michael J. Stack III, lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania
The Duke will be providing live coverage and updates of President Gormley’s Inauguration on its website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed.