The staff of The Duke won six 2016 Student Keystone Press Awards, the Pennsylvania News Media Association announced Wednesday.
The awards recognize the best of college journalism in Pennsylvania, with special attention to integrity, relevance and initiative in serving readers.
Here is a list of award winners and links to their respective works:
First Place- Feature Story: “GO:OD Weekend: Mac Miller returns home to Pittsburgh” by Julian Routh
Second Place- Layout and Design: “100 Years of Duquesne Basketball” by Seth Culp-Ressler
Second Place- Review: “Panic! at the festival as Thrival grows” by Julian Routh and Jacob Guerra
Honorable Mention- Column: “If I Do Say So Myself” by Rebekah Devorak
Honorable Mention- General News: “SGA drops $20K on statue” by Kaye Burnet and Brandon Addeo
Honorable Mention: News Photo: “Pittsburgh greets presidential potential” by Claire Murray
The full list of awards can be found here.